Writing Prompts

There are some writing prompts if you scroll down. You can find a complete set of writing prompts by clicking on the category label on any writing prompt post on the BLOG page.

Writing prompts are voluntary, never mandatory.

(If you are a student and have a class assignment, that’s not a prompt. That’s an assignment or topic. If you’re filling out a college application and must submit an essay on a topic, that’s not a prompt, that’s a topic. If you’re taking a test and must write about something, that’s not a prompt, that’s a test!) Writing prompts are voluntary and these here are writing prompts!

They serve multiple purposes: to inspire you to write; to give you a quick and easy idea where to start writing; to prompt you to explore character development or scene-setting; to prod or plumb your memory; to help you create individual plot points; to nudge you to analyze or reflect.

You can use these writing prompts in any way you choose. You can start at the beginning and work through them systematically. You can pick and choose. Marianas Writers Movement is here to encourage you to write! Here’s hoping you find these support your writing habit.

compare & contrast a place in past & present
writing prompt #5
writing prompt #4
writing prompt #4
writing prompt #3
writing prompt #2
writing prompt #1
writing prompt #1