A word that sounds familiar. From 14th century, meaning cloudy as in the nebula in the night sky. While it…
A Writing Workshop Opportunity
This Saturday at JKPL 10 am! Let’s do this, Movement! https://www.mvariety.com/news/local/uog-press-proa-publications-to-host-writing-workshops-on-saipan-tinian-rota/article_1ba41d3e-e900-11ef-a7dc-23ab3fe03a4c.html
A fancy vocabulary word to add some dark color to your writing. Use it! First known use in English in…
Writing prompt
A writing prompt that is familiar and still useful, no matter how many times we come back to it.
Writing prompt
A new writing prompt for a new year–explore scents and the sense of words used in different locations.
Writing prompt
A writing prompt can relate to familiar experiences and be used to expand or contract them into something else.
Writing prompt
A writing prompt may encourage writing about the five senses or a sensation that can be dropped into your story.
A vocabulary word more difficult to pronounce if you haven’t read the story from which it springs. Of course you…