Writing prompt
Dive into the ugly side of life with this writing prompt about narcissistic behavior.
Dive into the ugly side of life with this writing prompt about narcissistic behavior.
October is so much fun! Preptober for writers. Halloween for everyone.
Stephen King is the 20th century king of horror–known for scaring us with novels like The Shining and Pet Cemetery.…
Use this writing prompt to compare and contrast character reactions to a stressful event.
With this writing prompt, you can develop a character whose reaction is like yours or completely different.
Test your skills at creating terse dialogue with this writing prompt.
Here’s a writing prompt to encourage you to take a trip to the emergency room with your characters.
So much of our lives is spent working, and this writing prompt takes us into the ubiquitous work environment of…
Thomas Mann was a German writer of novels, short stories, essays and more. Among his popular novels are The Magic…
A writing prompt to help you envision your characters.