Writing prompt
Returning to weekly writing prompts. Keep practicing. NaNoWriMo is coming closer.
Returning to weekly writing prompts. Keep practicing. NaNoWriMo is coming closer.
A writing prompt that takes you into the gloaming.
Here’s a writing prompt that may have inspired in the past: One of the most famous plays is Waiting for…
Today is author birthday of August Wilson, renowned playwright and 1999 winner of the National Humanities Medal. https://www.neh.gov/about/awards/national-humanities-medals/august-wilson . From…
This writing prompt is helped by reading your work aloud.
April 23 is the birthday of William Shakespeare, which we celebrate with National Talk Like Shakespeare Day! Shakespeare used more…
A quote to help the realization of the physicality of writing and the importance of staying in motion.
Capturing the past is an important literary competence.
Today, April 15, is National Titanic Remembrance Day. As you struggle to make sure you’ve filed your taxes by the…
Today’s vocabulary word coincides with today’s celebration of National Scrabble Day! So here’s to the word itself.