books, books, books

Stories Matter: They Entertain Us

By Mary Grace Legaspi.

          Stories. Things that have been passed down generation to generation. Stories are all around us, from what we’ve read for school, for fun, or even gossip from our parents.

          I found myself resorting to reading stories on sites like Wattpad, Ao3 or Webtoon during typhoon Yutu and it has been my comfort since there was no wifi connection to watch videos or do assignments properly. Stories are like a doorway to a parallel universe. The readers can imagine that they are the character in the story they like. That way, they can put themselves in the perspective of the character and have some raw emotions regarding the story.

          For some of us who cannot imagine ourselves as a character, simply reading can bring us joy. From coming up with theories, to crying over cliff-hangers, and sharing our favorite genres with other readers; they are all so entertaining.

          I find it so fascinating how stories from long ago are still referenced. If I could, I would want to know how the first ever story started, and how it progressed as it got told to different people with different understandings of it. It’s probably not possible, but it would be nice to be able to trace it, especially since it could’ve been changed over the years because of factors like cultures, geography, perspective, etc.

          Some of my personal favorite genres of stories are romance, fantasy, horror, or psychological stories that really make you think hard. The biggest satisfaction of a reader and avid watcher of shows and movies is when the live action adaptation of a book accurately depicts how the book is like and follows the storyline properly. I haven’t come across those types of movies or shows in a while, so I just stick to reading the book.

          I feel like the reason why stories entertain me so much is because of the thought process the writer must’ve had, or that it has elements that makes us feel the same way the characters do, or it gives us a chance to get creative and base our own adaptations on that certain story, no plagiarism involved of course. In conclusion, stories matter—they have always mattered, and they are a great source of inspiration and entertainment for everyone.