3 teen boys

Stories Matter: They connect us.

By Jovic Tuquero.

            Four boys sat by the table nearest to the sidewalk. They were all silent at first until the first boy spoke out, “how was your day guys?” The third boy replied with a smile on his face. “Bro there was this old man who stole my clothes at the beach.” The others started to chuckle. “I tried to chase after him, but he was a bit too fast to catch up to.” The second boy then said, “How could he have been faster than you?” The third boy laughed and replied, “Hey man what could I possibly do when he stole my sneakers as well.” The three other boys laughed alongside the third boy, soon revealing that they too had their clothes taken as well.

            Stories make us laugh, they make us weep and cry, they can make us get angry as well, but most importantly stories can bring us together. There are times in our life where we can empathize with others. A story can provide similar experiences, a story that brings interest into one’s life or pass down morals and values to others. We have all been at that point in our lives where even just one joke or conversation could make two new people the same or opposite personalities friends or more than that. A joke even starts off as a story or a meaning behind it as well as starting a conversation.  Even telling others how one meets another is a story in itself. Friendship is created through connection and love for one another. Stories are the same way for they are a major part of how friendships are formed.

            When you go out and meet someone in public start a conversation off with a story. This is a great way of letting others know what kind of person you are. The way you sound, provide details, and set the tone of the story could persuade the person to find greater interest in you. You wouldn’t need to be the one telling a story, first pay attention to the speaker and understand what it is they are trying to convey the story. A great way to tell that a connection between two people is formed is when they immerse themselves into the story. This is where they find themselves in this loop of interest that sparks a friendship between one another. A story can persuade others in a variety of ways, they think of the story as humor, a moral to be learned, or an understanding of the person.

            A story can bring many people alike together. It portrays similar values, goals, or experiences that others can empathize with. It helps us envision a better connection with others and shape a future friendship or relationship. Stories matter and they can bring the best or worst out of everyone. All it takes is a voice and a meaning. So… What’s your story?