Photo by Priscilla Du Preez.

Stories Matter: They Pass Along Learning by Jerriz Castro.

            After hearing a story, have you thought about why it mattered? Why was it being told to you and what will happen next? There are a plethora of reasons why they matter and every person has their own opinion as to why.  People’s culture, lives, gender, feelings, memories, and so on are mostly influenced by stories. Our minds form cognitive and emotional connections with narratives we hear, read, or listen to, and these connections define our view of the world and how we live life.

            Stories matter because they become experiences that translate to life lessons. Stories like fables or fan fiction often depict what we enjoy, resonate with, and mentally personify things to which we might see ourselves. People often look to stories for inspiration or a panacea for their troubles. They read or listen to stories that they can relate to what they are dealing with, as they listen or read they begin to understand how they can solve their problem. They learn how to overcome their difficulties because of stories, it may be a children’s story, an autobiography, fan fiction, movies, or a story they heard from a close friend or relative. Either way, these stories helped them learn something valuable.

            Stories are important and powerful. They pass along experiences of those before us to and educate those ahead. Stories matter because they serve as personal reflections and tools of remedial guidance. Stories come in many forms whether songs, verbal stories, or written biographies. All can be reflective and change our perspective of how we see things. Stories help us learn about others, love the concept of how things worked or how things were, and live to tell what we grasp from these stories. Stories know no language yet cater to everyone. Stories bring people together whether of race, color, gender, or background. Stories appear abstract but tangible in a sense.

            A good storyteller brings multitudes together. The ability to “sell” a story is what brings minds together. What makes a story good is the ability to tell it well. The better it is told the better the message is received. A good story when told inadequately is a lesson lost and experience misinterpreted. Stories are better accepted or imaginatively envisioned when emotion and facial and verbal expression are involved. In a way, storytelling is an art that is imagined and told differently from one person to another.

            Choices are made every day and Every day is made of choices. Thoughts become choices. Actions are follow-ups of your choices. Eventually, all leading to a mass of actions and choices.  Whether good or bad they become an experience and experiences can be translated into stories. Stories reflect character and development. Where you are in life can be a reflection of the stories or lessons embedded in it. Stories show us what matters and what might be the result of a repetition of an action.