“Stories Matter: They Provide Inspiration and Motivation” by Monique Dueñas.

A story is a window into a world of fiction or reality, an event or experience with the purpose of intriguing and entertaining others. This story is where one’s experience is of the utmost essential to the outcome of what one becomes. It fulfills the potential of influencing and motivating others into becoming a special version of themselves through listening. Remembering the past is one important aspect of a story that generally involves one’s self-revelation and encounter so meaningful. On account of this, I mention a nonfiction story I was told on a gloomy day, lived by a family member who altered my way of thinking about life, which in return promoted utter gratitude and respect towards him, my father. 

Once there was a boy, the youngest of all the boys, who lived poorly with what was a normal amount of numerous siblings under one household. He grew up valuing his ability to love and his dire need to feel concern for others. Soon reaching adulthood, his father died, and his mother grew ill. He and his siblings were deeply affected and fearful for what would happen to them. Naturally as a part of his character, he matured faster than anyone ever should have and took care of his siblings despite being the youngest. Without asking for anything from his mother because he was more concerned for her well-being, he graduated high school. His teacher helped him attain a scholarship fund for a full ride to attend college. While attending school, he sought to look for a job and obtained it while in school. Today, he remains committed to working hard for him and his family to earn enough money to avoid struggling financially.

It impressed me, the amount of effort he put into dedicating his life to earning money and using that money to help his family. … This is what a story can do to anyone, alter their perspective in life for a good reason. From this story, one can instantly feel inspired to take it upon themselves to be that person who makes a difference in their life and the lives of others. When I heard this story, I instantly thought about how fortunate I am to have a father willing to put our needs before his indefinitely, prompting me to be THAT person. One who is diligent. One who is generous. The ONE who cares.

Stories are undoubtedly powerful and important to our lives. They matter in terms of providing insight and understanding, describing an experience that has happened to someone indispensable to contain meaning. No one should ever doubt the immense impression a story could have on a person. My father’s experience is one of the many stories that matter. Helping us feel a greater bond of connection to one another empathetically, one will be impacted by the perfect story that provides motivation and inspiration.