Stories Matter: Connect One Another by Akira Daniel Ota.

            Stories. Stories are an account of imaginary or real people and events told for entertainment; an account of events in someone’s life or the evolution of something (Oxford Languages).  Most people think stories are mainly for entertainment. In some cases, that is true, but stories also connect one another. Stories can bring people together by giving people something to relate to. In addition, stories make people come together and help them understand each other. Stories matter because they connect with one another.

            Stories bring people together by giving people something to relate to. Have you ever gone online on a forum and checked the comments about a story you read? You will most likely find people who think the same thing as you. People are brought together by what stories bring. If there is a sad story about a person being rejected, most people would relate to the story and they can have something to talk about. 

            Stories also give people something to talk about. If you go into a library and see a person reading a book you like, you can start a conversation. Depending on the type of book a person is reading, it can change the conversation you are having. A happy fairytale could start a conversation about what kind of mystical creatures you can name. Many conversations could be brewed up with a story that one shares.

            Stories make people come together and help them understand each other. Most stories have hidden meanings or morals behind them. With those morals, people can understand how other people think or feel. They can be used to avoid tragedy or if someone is feeling devious, they could use it for a different not right reason. Stories can be used to make people come together to fight for what is right. Or even make people have opinions on something and they can go against each other in a form of debate.

            Stories matter because they connect people. They can bring them together for good or for bad. Stories will always have an impact on people and will continue to have an effect assuming people continue reading. With the number of people still reading books and the number of authors pumping out books, I doubt that people will discontinue reading.
