Photo by Teena Lalawat.

Stories Matter: They express our feelings. By Paul Talibong.

          Stories can come in many various ways. It can come through art; like painting and sculptures, through songs, it can be verbal, and it can be written. Now the question that arises is “Why do stories express our feelings? Well, there are a lot of things that stories can express our feelings. For starters, let’s choose music. According to Google, “Historically, music has been used to tell stories, remember important information, and increase bonding” I love it when people express their stories by songs, because I can feel their expression much better, that’s my opinion. There is so much more to explain how stories can express our feelings, but I’ll talk about it, so stay tuned.

          Sometimes people don’t want to say their stories out loud because they’re probably shy. So they express it in some ways we can understand. First off, people can express their stories through art. It’s quite fascinating because they’re just telling a story just by one picture. You can express the feelings of the person’s art. Like when they’re mad, the art looks very chaotic. If they’re sad, the art looks very miserable. If you are in a relationship, the art comes out happy and filled with love.

          Second, people can express their stories verbally. According to Google, “Spoken Words is writing that is meant to be read out loud. Some examples of spoken words you might be familiar with are stories, poems, monologues, slam poetry, rap and even stand-up comedy.” Public speaking is also used when you are verbally expressing your stories with other people, like in a speech. People love to share their stories because they don’t want to keep it inside in them for too long.

          Lastly, they can be written. For those people who love to write, then this is for you. When people are in college and they want to send something to their parents, because they miss them so much, they can express how they’re feeling in a paper and about their day in that paper so that their parents can understand what they are feeling. According to Google, “Writing gives us a surplus of moments to really sympathize with a person, explore a world, and learn from a story in a way that reminds us what really matters in life.”

          Now it is time for my essay to conclude. Stories are powerful in life because we can express ourselves to other people, and they can be interested by it. It’s never late to make yourself a story, because one day, people will want to know what you have in mind, and you can express yourself in so many ways to them. Don’t care what people will say, if they hate your story, they’re not feeling.