OH NO! I’m running out of time.
This post aims to help procrastinators jump into NaNoWriMo. If your writing method requires preparation and an outline and months of planning, it’s too late for NaNoWriMo 2023…BUT WAIT! It’s not too late!
For planners, if you haven’t got your plans in place, you will need to move outside your comfort zone and just write with us every day and see where you get.
If you’ve never written a novel, now is the time to do it! If you’re experienced with writing novels, now is the time to start another one! National Novel Writing Month = November.
At this late date, I suggest doing the following:
1. Read or re-read Chris Baty’s book, “No Plot? No Problem!” Baty is the founder of NaNoWriMo and he has a lot to say that helps make it a worthwhile experience. You can borrow his book from the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library, or from a writer friend, or at the very least, listen to his “talks at Google” on YouTube. https://youtube.com/watch?v=Hu-2EWjeF2o&pp=ygUUbm8gcGxvD8gTm8gcHJvYmx16SE%3D
If this is all you get done, you’ll still have enough life raft to get you through the month!
2. Pick your genre and read a book in that genre. This advice is based upon the belief in the principle of osmosis in action. You can skip this is you’re a frequent reader. Or you just don’t have the time.
3. Select a date, time, and place for your novel. Make a mood board with photos or artifacts that fit. This creative activity is fun! NaNoWriMo is fun! (Don’t forget.)
4. Open up a word document and call it “NaNoWriMo 2023 characters.” If you have time to think of some, characters for your novel add them to the list—a name, general description, a telling habit or character trait.
USE THIS list throughout the month. It is impossible to imagine, but it very easily happens that an author forgets the names of the characters in a WIP. Marge becomes Marcie; or the little brother who didn’t need a name in the first chapter suddenly becomes important and you don’t want to forget that he had freckles or a limp or whatever.
5. Stock up on snacks and drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa, water, etc.).