Stories Matter: they make people believe. By Julian Taitano

         Stories make people believe, they make people dream. They spark imagination within the reader and makes them be a better person. The reader will have a more creative and colorful imagination. Stories make people inspired, making them try they’re hardest in their goals. Tons of amazing great authors leave the reader inspired and thinking about accomplishing their dreams so really good stories that speak to the readers soul are always the best.

         Stan Lee is an amazing author known for his creative mind and being the creator of Marvel. He is probably the best author known to man. He inspired so many people just with his words. He makes amazing stories that connect to the reader emotionally and make people look at the heroes in the stories and try to be like them. They make the reader want to make themselves better to be like the hero in the story. The things is, there are so many hero’s to be inspired by Two I like: Captain America (how we should always do the good thing) and Iron Man (he used his money and genius to protect earth).

         Then there is this super hero who was such an inspiration to kids all over the world. He wears a read suit with spider markings all over the place. He’s your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man! He was created by Stan Lee and was created August 15, 1962. His creation was created because Stan Lee wanted the character to relate to a younger audience. He made him a teenager with lots and lots and lots of problems, just like all of the teenagers around the world.

         Spider man was sold around the world. His story was so good it inspired so many people to follow their dreams. Many kids like Spider Man and really liked his story and his motives and inspired the readers to do good. He was so inspirational they made so much movies of him making teens around the globe to do what’s right and making them do what’s right and help people and the environment

         So books are very inspirational. They inspire children around the world to do what’s right and follow their dreams. They make them care for the environment and make their mind more intellectual.