Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash


By Andrew Nuñez.

            The dark nature of this world contributes to the many iniquitous stories for people of all backgrounds. This results in the personal struggles of several people who might feel like they are alone. Fortunately, many people have received the opportunity to hear the stories of those with similar experiences. One of the most powerful ways to bring awareness to certain topics and to the people who have dealt with those topics is through storytelling.

            It is important for people to open up about their experiences in order for others to do the same. The first to speak up about their own story creates pathways for others to feel comfortable in sharing their stories as well. An example that is a prominent issue in the Northern Mariana Islands in the lack of reported sexual assault cases to the significant number of victims. According to the Pacific Islands Report, “In the Northern Mariana Islands, 60 to 80 percent of sexual assault victims prefer not to report the incident for fear and for the stigma attached to it.”

Looking within our own community, it becomes apparent how crucial it is for victims to speak up about their stories. Victims of sexual assault who have courageously opened up about their stories empower other victims to feel less alone and open up when they feel ready. In addition, it initiates discussions about sexual assault and provides more recognition and acknowledgment to the severe issue. The gained recognition and acknowledgement can successively encourage other victims to be the first to speak up, creating a cycle that brings one step closer to greater awareness and, hopefully, change.

            Storytelling substantially impacts another person’s decision to tell their own story. This allows for numerous stories to continue being told forever throughout time. With a great multitude of stories, conversations begin and attention is brought to the subject at hand. It is with all that has been said in this essay that I firmly state that stories matter: they bring awareness.