Photo by K. Mitch Hodge

Today is National Take a Walk in the Park Day–to encourage everyone to invest in their health without spending any money by taking advantage of our local and national parks. The CNMI offers many opportunities for such walks! Pick your favorite and get outside today! There is nothing more invigorating and inspiring than a walk in nature. A walk in the park is not only good for your physical health! It’s great for your mental health and creativity. If you’re feeling drained of creativity or having writer’s block, walking in nature is a sure cure! You might also read Henry David Thoreau’s “On Walden Pond” for connection to nature and writing.

As a bonus, today is also National Pencil Day! Our modern pencils were patented in 1858–so we have 165 years of enjoying our pencils! #NationalTakeAWalkInTheParkDay #NationalPencilDay