Photo by Manny Moreno

Stories Matter: They Entertain Us, by Aisha Lansangan.

In the midst of a dark time, where do you find your source of happiness? Comrades? Games? Books? While those may be different answers, they all have one thing connecting them, stories. When you’re with friends what do you often do? What are games based on? What do most books tell you? Everywhere we seek entertainment, stories are involved. We will delve into the realm of entertainment and discuss the different ways stories are involved.

Comrades and friends. They are the group you surround yourself with. They are an important part of your story. And you are an important aspect of their story. The memories you have together are stories to be retold again and again. A comedic relief on bad days or just pure entertainment. Your stories matter to them and vice versa. It goes beyond entertainment. The bonds you share will engrave their stories into your life. So when you look back at those moments you not only find yourself entertained but overwhelmed with emotions that you can only feel from those stories.

Games are a great way to pass time. Games usually have a plot or are based around a story. The plot or backstory of the game is what keeps it going. The deeper the plot goes, the more changes will be made and more content will be served. Most of us know that diving into the rabbit hole of backstory on a certain game can be dangerous. The story could absorb us completely and trap us in a world beyond our own. Entertainment like that may be dangerous in normal circumstances but considering what we’re going through, it could distract us from the heavy reality of our current situation. The entertainment received from games and their stories helps people get through tough situations.

The first thought that may come to mind when you think of entertainment and stories; books! Delving into the world of literature can be quite risky. Many stories are so detached from our reality that I couldn’t blame anyone who got stuck in the world of literature. Stories shared through literature give us different perspectives on life. These perspectives can keep us entertained. What we may have thought was crazy at first may soon turn into something we learn to see. Or maybe, we found another person’s point of view unreasonably funny. There are so many ways to keep yourself amused with literature. While it may not be for everyone, entertainment found through books can be addicting.

I have only listed three out of the many ways stories can keep you entertained. Entertainment can be found and seen in many different ways. What do you consider as entertainment? Is it just invoking joy with someone? Or does it go beyond that], like bringing you into a world that is not your own? Whatever you may think entertainment is, we cannot deny that stories play a major role in keeping us “entertained.”