End of NaNoWriMo
For all those who wrote this November 2022, congratulations! If you made it to 50K words, you are an official…
For all those who wrote this November 2022, congratulations! If you made it to 50K words, you are an official…
Photograph By HNK Split / Foto: Matko Biljak – https://www.facebook.com/HNKSplit/photos/a.2638894032849602/2638981472840858/?type=3&theater, CC BY 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=79160808 Today is National Absurdity Day. It’s…
It takes courage to write. It takes even more courage to write from prison. Not all writers who are jailed…
It’s National Novel Writing Month! Goal: write a 50K word novel in a month. November is half over! But no…
Actors and writers are in the same business–telling stories! Actors tell stories through use of their bodies and voice and…
Join us on Sunday November 6, 2022 for another Come Write In session. This time at Java Joe’s in Dandan…
Keep writing during National Novel Writing Month by joining us at the Come Write In at the Joeten-Kiyu Public Library…
Come write-in at our Citizenship Day Write-In!. National Novel Writing Month -NaNoWriMo-encourages you to write every day. We won’t be…
It’s not just All Saint’s Day on November 1; it’s also National Author’s Day. And National Family Literacy Day! A…
On this All Saint’s Day, a writing prompt that is not limited by reality but perhaps by your imagination.